Thursday, December 27, 2007


Christmas is over and it is time to take a breather. It has been a wild month but a fruitful month at that. At our Christmas Eve service, we broke all record attendance with almost 180 in attendance. We had people all over the place and we had to bring out more chairs just to fit everybody in. It shows that people are truly hungry for something this time of year. I pray that seeds were planted and hopefully we will see some of those faces this Sunday at church.

As far as the Jones family, we had a great Christmas as well. I love watching the kids open their presents. It takes me back to the magic of it all when I was kid. Jen even surprised me this year with a new t.v. (Score!) I want to thank everyone for their gifts and cards to our family this Christmas, it is highly appreciated and we feel so blessed to be a part of such a great church. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas as well and looking forward to the New Year.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Craziness

I have to apologize that I have not blogged as much as I want lately. Things have gotten really crazy as of late. We wrapped up the adult musical "Imagine Christmas" this past week with four nights in a row including our dress rehearsal. I was so proud of all those that particpating in this great event. We have lots of talent in our church and it was neat to see that talent used for God's glory.

We also had our Santa outreach that Saturday and due to the snow that turn out wasn't as great as expected. Needless to say we had some families that came through our church door that might have never came if it wasn't for the event. We gave away bags of candy along with the Christmas story of Jesus.

This week we are gearing up for Christmas Eve service. I'm planning on doing this a little different this year then past. It will still be a wonderful time with family and celebrating our Lord's birth.

Remember in all the busyness of the season, don't forget to put Christ first. He is the reason for this season!