Monday, August 28, 2006

Master Asker

It was great to be back in the pulpit yesterday after a three week break. I have to say I was pretty pumped and ready to go. I love to preach the Word of God. There is nothing greater and I thank God that He has given this great privilege to explain His Word. Yesterday's Big Idea was how to become a master asker in our prayers. A master asker finds the will of God and is persistent in their praying. Jesus gave us many examples of persistent prayer. I want to encourage everyone who hasn't seen the breakthrough to their prayer just yet. Hold on to your faith and be persistent until you see that answer come to pass. Many people give up too soon. Paul said that there is a fight to our faith. Many give up after the first round but that is not God's will for you. God's will is persistence! Why doesn't God just answer our prayers right away? Maybe He wants to teach us something along the way. Many of us will become stronger people in the end if we hold on. Life is not always easy, but find the will of God, be persistent and become a master asker in your prayer life.


Anonymous said...

Why do you think people give up too soon? How do we know what God is trying to teach us? How do we know that it is worth it? How long should we hold on?

becky said...

I've learned that no matter how long we think we've waited God's timing is always best. There are just some things that we may never understand on earth, but we have to trust that God knows best. It's true, God teaches us so much during those "dark"times in life, but we have to be willing to push through and hold on to what we know is true, God loves us and wants the best for us.

If what we are asking for is in God's will for our lives, it is ALWAYS worth waiting for.

Todd Jones said...

I agree Becky, some things we may not always understand but God's Word tells us in Rom 5:3-5
"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." God may be bulding our character and teaching us how to persevere. Many people give up because that's a hard thing to do. I hope that helps anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we give up in prayer
because if it doesn't seem fruitful, Satan will try to make us think we are asking for the wrong thing, or the wrong way, or that God doesn't care or isn't listening. And usually I don't know what God is trying to teach me until I've learned it! The more we ask, the more dependent we are on God, the closer we get. I ask and then try not to worry so much about the answer because I know the Almighty King of the Universe (who incidently is my own Father) will do what is best. Philipians 4:6-7 says it all!

Katie said...

between you and my sister, God is definitely using you guys to speak to me about my prayer life lately. so thanks for the minilesson!