Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tame the Tongue

Started our Dirty Laundry series on Sunday and felt it was a good start to an exciting three weeks of learning about the dirt of our words. Our first week was about taming the tongue. James says that we have no problem taming animals just as birds, fish, or even horses, yet we have a hard time taming a two ounce mucous membrane. Three things from Sunday's message:

1. The tongue is petite yet powerful! ( Very small yet with it, we have the power to build up or destroy!)

2. Valuable yet venomous-The tongue can poison others-Things like gossip, slander and secrets are all venom that we must avoid!

3. With the tongue we praise God yet curse men- We can't praise God and yet curse people at the same time. When we curse people, we are really saying, "God made junk!" We know that this is a false statement.

I hope this message series will be valuable to everyone as we discover the dirty laundry of our words.


Pastor Potter said...

Hey Todd,
This is Joshua Potter, I was on the Arizona trip with you, now that I found your blog I will have to come check it out from time to time, I think it is a great thing to share encouraging things that are going on, and just thoughts that we all have, this is a good way to stay in contact somewhat and encourage each other. God bless.

Todd Jones said...

Hey Joshua, I agree! It is good to hear from you as well. Keep up the good work!