Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Youth Convention

It was another full weekend as the kids headed to Youth Convention Friday and Saturday. It was exciting to hear their testimonies on Sunday morning on how God touched them. The main speaker talked about the need for change and how this generation is looking for change. What the world wants to see is not religion but they want to see people living out what they believe. I know it challenged many of our teens and they came back excited to see change in their own lives and in their schools.

It was at a Youth Convention that I was called to the ministry at the age of 16. I will never forget being at the altar and having a deep passion and burden to do anything I could for God. I wasn't for sure what it was going to be at the time but I knew that I had to surrender my life completely to Him and do whatever He wanted. Camps and Youth Conventions are so important and I want to encourage everybody to support our camps and Youth Conventions. If you have kids, do whatever you can to send them. There is something about getting away and allowing God to speak into your life. Thanks to Pastor Keaton and all our great leaders that took our teens this past weekend. YOUR ARE AWESOME!