Monday, October 15, 2007

Truth or Snare

Wrapped up our series yesterday on the mind. I felt it was a good three weeks on study on how we must renew our minds in Christ. Yesterday we talked about the lies that Satan throws at us. Here are the three most common lies.

1. Lies about yourself- My self-worth comes from what I do and what others think.
2. Lies about the meaning of life- The meaning of life is about how much I can accumulate.
3. Lies about God- Many believe lies about God- here are a few lies that people believe;
- I am saved by what I do
- God is out to get me lie
- What I've done is too bad for God to forgive.

Satan throws traps for us all the time. Remember that Satan is the father of lies. The way we defeat the lies is by the truth of God's Word. Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word is the discerner of our thoughts. In other words, when we have these lies enter our minds we must judge that thought by God's Word. What does the truth have to say? If it's not according to the Word, then it is a lie. Don't be caught in the snare of lies that Satan throws at us. Be free by the truth of God's Word.