Monday, November 10, 2008

Convention and Sunday

We took ten kids to youth convention this weekend. It has been awhile since I've been to Youth Convention so I expected to pretty much get no sleep but out teens actually went to bed around 2 a.m. I was pretty surprised. It was a great weekend with some great services. It is so important that we get our kids to events like these where they can get away and experience God. It was at a Youth Convention that I was called into the ministry. I know that some of our kids were really touched this weekend. Looking forward to Spring Convention as they are moving it to HY-VEE Hall and bringing in KJ-52. Pretty cool!

Sunday we continued our series on heaven and in week three we covered 'hell.' This was a heavy subject and definitely not an easy subject to preach on but it is so important that we understand the reality of hell. Hell is a real place, so much so that Jesus talked more about hell then He did heaven. My prayer is that we will be burdened like never before to reach our community knowing that hell is a real place. I closed with the challenge to make a "heavens top ten list" of people you want to see come to know Christ in the coming months. Let's pray that their hearts will be opened to receive the message of God's love. Jesus said that He would build His church on the gates of hell and that promise I am standing on for our church.


Pastor Potter said...

Man, I didn't see you at convention. We were there. I will see you on Thursday for next gen leader.