Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Just finished with this years Christmas Eve service. I love Christmas Eve! There is something about coming together as a church family and worshipping together the day before our Savior was born. I love the atmosphere, the carols and the candles. Tried something different this year by splitting up the service into several parts. We sang a couple songs, I intro the message, choir sang and we interspersed scripture, song and the message throughout. We ended with candle light and sang Silent Night. It was a great evening and we had a great crowd. I hope everyone has a great tomorrow and I wish you all a Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

The Christmas Eve service was one of the most moving I have ever attended. I liked the video that directed us from Baby Jesus onward to the reason Jesus came to the earth. It is easy to get detached during the busy holiday season and what consumerism has made it into. I appreciated the reminder! God bless you Pastor Todd and family.