Monday, January 19, 2009

Year and Review

Sorry I haven't posted in a while as it has been crazy the last few weeks with weather and wrapping up 2008. Last night we had our year and review meeting where we went over the previous year, casted vision for the new and looked at finances as well. God has truly blessed us. I reminded everyone last night the importance of our core values as a church. As we look ahead to the future it is important that we keep our focus on the things that have got us here. Our values are as follows:

Biblically Based
Kingdom Focused
Missions Minded
Reaching every generation
Every person can minister
No one stands alone.

I challenged us that in this coming year our focus needs to be evangelism. I was posed with this question a few months ago and it has always stuck with me. "What would happen if our church left our community? Would it be missed not by those who attend the church but by those who do not?" That is an important question for us this coming year. This coming year we need continual focus on reaching the people outside our doors. In the coming weeks I will be posting some ideas and things we can do to be an influence to those outside our church. I am believing God for a great year and seeing people come to know Christ as Savior.