Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Reflections

1. Kicked Sunday off with Baccalaureate service at the school. Pastor Chuck did a good job preaching and so did the Barnes City worship team. It is always good to worship with other churches in our community.

2. This was graduation weekend so we had no first service and no Sunday School. Numbers were definitely down but still had a good service. Started a new series called 'Judgment Call', yesterday we talked about the 'tale of the two trees.' In the Garden of Eden, there were two trees, the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve decided to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil over the tree of life. This is where sin originated. When we partake of this tree, we are saying that we no longer need God but came become our own god of sorts. Satan the accuser is still trying to get people to partake of this tree. When we do this, we try to become a judge. We often judge ourselves, judge others and judge God. If you were not here, I encourage you to listen to the podcast on the website.

2. This year we had eight kids graduate from our church. It makes me proud as a pastor seeing our kids excel in their school and also get up in front of their classmates and give glory to God. 2010 class was a great class and we will miss many of these kids.

3. Sunday afternoon was all about eating cake, more cake and did I forget to mention cake. I think my stomach still hurts from the cake. (And oh yeah, pork sandwiches as well.)