Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Weekend Reflections

What a beautiful weekend the Lord gave us! Here are some of the highlights;

1. Friday I spent the night hanging out with some great guys as we had a going away/bachelor party for Derek (student ministries leader). We ate some wings at Buffalo Wings, played some mini golf and then went to Bass Pro for some bowling. I'm not for sure when the last time I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. We wish Derek the best the next two months and can't wait for his return in August with his new wife Samone!

2. Sunday we wrapped up our series on "Judgment Call" with a message on when it is the right time to make the call. This is a difficult message but such an important one. The Bible clearly teaches that there is a time to judge and sometimes judging is the loving thing to do. We must always remember though the guidelines set in God's Word before we make that call. 1. First depend on the Holy Spirit, 2. Trust in the authority of God's Word, 3. Accountability is the key to maturity. Always first look to our own hearts and ask God if there is a plank in our own eye. Also, does that person's sin truly break your heart. If it doesn't, then the problem is not with the person but you. If you didn't listen to the message, I encourage you to listen to it on the website at http://www.communityhope.org/

3. On Sunday we also credentialed Darren Mathes with a local church credential. It was exciting to see Darren's family there to support him. Darren will now hold a church credential as a minister of the Gospel. This will allow him to get into the prisons and other ministry opportunities. We are so excited for Darren and how God is using him in great ways.

4. Memorial Day we went to the Omaha Zoo. I love the zoo! The fish aquarium never gets old and they had some new exhibits there as well to explore. The kids had a great time looking at all the animals and it was beautiful day to spend with the family.


batesder said...

How many bachelors like me get to brag that their pastor came with them??? It was a blast- and thanks for breaking your curfew for me :)