Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Weekend thoughts

We had another great weekend, here are a few things things that went on:

-Saturday we had our "Fall Fun for Food" kids event. My wife did a great job organizing this event as the kids had a blast decorating gourds, cupcakes, coloring pages, spitting pumpkin seeds and playing pumpkin soccer. We had a lots of guests and some good help as well that made this event a success.

-Sunday we started our new series on "Heaven." We took a look at the John 14 and dissected it verse by verse. I had a lot of fun with this message and if you missed it you can check it out on the podcast at www.communityhope.org

- We also launched our new "Crown Club" ministry for 50's plus group. Thanks to Pastor Jim Snare who has done a great job leading this new ministry. They watched a video together and ate some "Hobo Stew." Very interesting, but I've got to say it wasn't so bad.

It was another great weekend, I can't believe next week is November already. Times surely flies when you are having fun.