Thursday, November 20, 2008

Celebrating Wins!

This past week I have received a very encouraging card and email from some new people that have been attending our church. Here are a few things they said.....

I have finally found my perfect church home and best of all through you, a rewarding relationship with God that I never had before. I always 'thought' I had a relationship with God, but not like I do now. ..........Three Sundays ago I did raise my eyes to you when you asked us to and it had a powerful effect on me since then. You and your church seemed to come along for our family when you needed us most. Unhappy where we were, I felt myself beginning to drift away. Now we are anchored, and it feels so good!

Here is another message I received this week as well.....

What a tremendous blessing each Sunday service has been for us, attending Community Hope! We thank you for the warm welcome and your prayers! We feel God's leading in requesting to become members.

I share these letters with everyone because these letters represent victory for all us! Every person who volunteers at Community Hope from the greeters, worship team, to the nursery and Sunday School teachers to the ushers all play a part in these letters. We are all a team and we are making a difference in this community and lives are being changed! Thanks to everyone for helping make these type of life transformations happen.


Pastor Potter said...

Keep up the great work man. I am praying with ya to see your church to do greater things in 09. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

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