Monday, November 03, 2008

Heavenly Tension

We had great services on Sunday. We continued in our series on heaven and talked about "What heaven is like." We talked about what will not be in heaven and what will be in heaven. The main take away was that God has called each of us to live with a heavenly tension. The heavenly tension comes from Philippians when Paul said, "To die is gain but there is still fruitful labor to be done on the earth." Paul knew that heaven was going to be great but he also knew all the work that still had to be done in his ministry. God wants us all to look forward too and anticipate heaven but at the same time, that anticipation should cause us to want to do more for God while on the earth. Each of us should look at how we are spending our time and how we are spending our resources. Are we spending those two things with eternity in view? When we get to heaven I want to know that I did all I could do while on the earth. Let us all live with this type of tension while we still have the time.


Indy Syst said...

Do you think the tension should be equal? We say we are aliens here on earth and long for Heaven but we fight death tooth and nail and have such a strong attachment to loved ones. We know that Heaven is going to be soooo much better but we don't want to leave here yet. I think it was easier for Paul to be more Heaven focused because he didn't have the strong family ties (no wife or kids). Are we wrong for clinging so strongly to this life?