Wednesday, April 28, 2010

District Council

I spent the last two days in Des Moines at our Assembly of God District Council. Here are some of the highlights:

1. It is always good to hang out with other pastors. It is fun to share stories and hear what God is doing all over the state.

2. I got to see my old youth pastor John Masachio. John is a missionary to Guatemala and I had no idea he was going to be there. John has started a youth skateboard outreach in which they bring portable ramps into towns to attract teenagers and then share the Gospel with the kids. They have also been able to get into the schools as well with this outreach. What a great way to be culturally relevant! John brought a young man with him who has been changed by this ministry. This young man is leading a Bible study of over sixty students each week as a result of the skateboard outreach. God is doing some great things in Guatemala and through my old friend John.

3. Doug Clay was the speaker over the last two days. I really enjoy Doug as he is really down to earth. Doug was the pastor of a great church in Toledo, Ohio while I was in Cleveland. He later became the District Superintendent before moving to Springfield at the National Office. I'll never forget the time I was in a workshop with Doug at a Ohio function when we heard the news that the twin towers were hit by two planes. At that point, we really didn't know what was going on. They ended up canceling the event so we could go home and be with our families. That was definitely a scary time in our nation's history and a drive home I will never forget.

4. I am really excited about the leadership we have as a Network in the Assemblies of God. These are trying times and many denominations are straying from the truth. I thank God for our leaders who want to be led by the Word of God and be led by the Holy Spirit. I believe that if we do these two things, God will continue to lead us as a denomination.