Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Reflections

1. Friday and Saturday our youth were in Des Moines for Spring Youth Convention. We ended up taking eleven students this weekend. Many were last minute which meant they all had to cram in two hotel rooms. We are so blessed to have such great leadership with our youth. Derek does such a great job with the kids. I pray that things they learned will truly impact their lives to make a difference in their families and in their school.

2. Friday was Spring Cleaning day for the Jones family. We threw away a lot of stuff and bagged more to give away. It feels good to get rid of so much clutter.

3. Jennifer's cousins stayed with us this weekend from Des Moines. Went to Williamsburg to do some shopping and got some good deals.

4. Another great day of worship at Community Hope. We had 181 in attendance on Sunday. Thirty nine were children in children's church. God is doing some great things. We were short-handed on the worship team but our team still did a tremendous job. They did a remix of the Doxology and closed the service with the Jeremy Camp song "Walk by Faith'. Way to go team!

5. Sunday night was our monthly Missions Team meeting. Our team decided to support Rural Compassion on a monthly basis, and give $1000.00 to the Iowa Camp project. What a great group of people to work with. We also discussed ways to reach out this summer. Loved some the ideas that came from the meeting. Talked about a single mom, widows free oil change for the community. Also talked about a date night for parents and also the 4th of July weekend. As a church we constantly need to be outwardly focused and be visible in the community. It is great to know that our missions team has this heart.

6. Finished the day watching the Spurs lose by six points in their first playoff game to Dallas. I think it will be a tough series but I'm not for sure if the Spurs can pull it off. Sure hope so!