Thursday, April 01, 2010

Ten Questions the Unchurched aren't asking.

1. Who is speaking on Sunday?
2. Do you sing hymns or choruses?
3. What denomination are you affiliated with?
4. What version of the Bible do you use?
5. Do you have Sunday School or Small Groups?
6. How do I go deep?
7. Are there a lot of crosses and pictures of Jesus in your church?
8. Is your pastor's teaching exegetical, topical or some other method?
9. How do I become a member or transfer my membership?
10. Does your church have the latest technology?

It's Easter so it's not time to think inward but outward. Many first time guests who do not know Christ will be showing up at church. People need Christ and Jesus is the answer! They aren't asking the questions that many church people are asking. They don't understand all the insider language of the church world. This weekend we need to give them Jesus. They need to hear the simplicity of the Gospel. God and His Word is the only thing that can change lives!

Thanks to for the inspiration.


Vic said...

11. Is there an ample supply of biscuits and gravy before/during services?

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