Monday, July 28, 2008

Dead to sin

We continued our message series on the "New You" yesterday at church. We continued this idea with the topic, "In Christ, I am dead to sin." Sin is something we often don't like to discuss. We often get very uncomfortable when we start talking about particular sins as well. The truth is, sin is there and it must be dealt with. If we don't deal with it, it will easily master us. Paul says in Romans 5 and 6 that when we are "In Christ" we are no longer enslaved to sin. You and I can have the power over sin when we are "In Christ." Before we came to know Christ we were "In Adam." Because of the first sin, every generation has to deal with sin. The results of sin is death and condemnation. The good news is God didn't leave us "In Adam." Because of what Christ did on the cross, we can move from "In Adam" to "In Christ." When we make this move, we are immersed the Bible says into Christ's death and resurrection. In other words our sin is crucified at the cross and we are given new life through the resurrection. In other words, I am not the same person that I once was. Because of what Christ did, Romans says that now we have been given the power to be dead to sin but alive to God. This is powerful news for each of us. "In Christ" I am no longer a slave to whatever it is that is holding me down. There are many Christians today that are under the bondage of sin. It's not God's will that we live this way. It's God's will that we have victory over sin. This does not mean that we will never be tempted to sin or sin does not exist, but "In Christ" I can have the victory over it. In order for us to do this, we must believe that God has given us the power. Believe who you are "In Christ." Believe that "In Christ" you are dead to sin but alive to God.