Saturday, July 26, 2008

Men's Shooting

Went to Big Springs today with our men and shot some clay pigeons. I've got to say, me with a gun can be quite scary. I've only shot a few times and that is only at pop cans. I was highly impressed with the facility at Big Springs. It hard to believe we have such a place right here in Monte. I had a great time with the guys and I didn't do so bad for my first time. I even hit a few! We will see how I feel tomorrow as I'm feeling the affects of the kick back on my gun. ( I see a big bruise coming.) Thanks to Royce for putting this event together. He even grilled hamburgers and brat burgers for us after we were all done. Yum!!! It is always good to fellowship with other men.


Anonymous said...

"Big Springs" shooting range is
located east of Searsboro on HWY
146. It is open to the public on
Thursday nights from 5pm to 8pm
You can shoot trap, skeet, or
sporting clays.