Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Keep Shining!

I was over to my friends house Sunday in Des Moines and he shared some exciting news about a friend we both had in high school. My friend recently gave his heart to the Lord and got baptized and I just found out that he is now a deacon in the church and even leading Bible studies. What is so cool about this is in high school he didn't want anything to do with God. I remember praying for him and inviting him to church. Now almost thirteen years later he is serving God and his church. Almost five years ago I ran into him and he told me that I made an impact on him in high school and that he was searching. I had no idea that I had made an impact during those years but something was working on his heart. My point is, don't give up on those you are praying for and those you are witnessing too. You never know when their heart will open. Keep shining your light and continue to be salt. It could be a week, a month or even years before you see fruit but remember that your witness does count and you are making a difference!