Thursday, July 17, 2008

What do you do?

As a pastor I don't know how many times I have been asked this question. "What do you do all week?" To be honest, every week is a little different. Every week I have a to write my sermon, make my outline and powerpoint. This takes a bulk of my time as writing the message for Sunday is my number one priority. I also have to write a Bible Study for Thursday night as well but other projects usually differ. Here is an example of what this week looked like:

Monday: Follow up and review from Sunday, hospital visits, getting ready for finance meeting. In the evening we had our finance meeting that starts 6:30 p.m. and lasts until around 9 p.m.

Tuesday: This is my study and writing day. I try to spend most of my day studying, praying and writing my message. Tuesday nights we usually have our team meeting with our worship leader and children's/kids pastor.

Wednesday: I wrap up and finish my message for Sunday. I also work on projects this day and schedule meetings. This week I had three meetings with different people on Wednesday.

Thursday: In the morning I write my Bible Study for Thursday night. Getting ready to get back into the book of 1 Corinthians. I also wrap up my projects (This week would include the 7 project, Back to School Outreach and Missions items.) This particular week we had a member have surgery so I will go to the hospital and pray and sit with the family. I also put together my powerpoint and write the outline that is inserted in the bulletin for Sunday on Thursday. I also email any new bulletin items so that the bulletin can be put together.

Friday: This is my day off to spend with the family.

Saturday: I usually head to the church for a few hours, make sure we are Sunday ready and study my sermon.

Sunday: I'm usually at the church between 6:30-7:00 a.m. We have the two services with Sunday School in between. I am physically and mentally exhausted after Sunday service. I don't know if I'm the only pastor that feels this way but after church, I crash.

This is a typical week for me. Every week looks a little different but I hope this gives everyone an idea of what I do.