Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday Reflections

Here are some thoughts from Sunday:

- I thought the worship team did a great job with the song "I know who I am" by Israel Houghton. Our worship team is going through some huge transitions right now and they are doing a great job using the talent they have.

- I enjoyed Jerry Minner and Brenda Smith's special music. I am excited to add some specials to our services. I had one gentlemen I took to lunch tell me that out of our whole service, he enjoyed their song the most.

- Our first video of the "New You" was a home run. Vanna Bushong is AMAZING with video editing. Thanks to Derek, Amber, Katy and of course Jason for being a part of this video series.

- Our attendance was really low considering all the promo work we did for this series. We are definitely feeling the affects of summer.

- It was great to preach this Sunday after having two Sundays of not being in the pulpit.

- I am totally excited about recording our messages now on Sunday. After church I went home and listened to the CD of the message. ( I know that may sound weird but I am constantly reviewing my self)


gracie8104 said...

thank you for your faith in the worship team...we are trying and i hope that God is going to use us to do amazing things!