Thursday, March 04, 2010

Ministry Spotlight

This Sunday is Ministry Spotlight Sunday and we will be featuring BGMC. For those who don't know BGMC stands for Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge. BGMC money goes to help missionaries in all sorts of ways like funding for sound equipment, teaching materials and other supplies for missionaries on the field. We are asking everyone to help our children out with BGMC this month. Everyone will be getting a buddy box to take home. We are asking that you fill that box with change and on the last Sunday of March please bring back the box. We want to help our kids make their goal this year of 2010.00 for 2010. BGMC is a great cause so let's fill our boxes with change and support our children.


marla said...

You and Jennifer do such an amazing job.. I(we) are a blessed family to have you in our lives. You both deserve a great big wooooo hooooo! marla