Monday, March 15, 2010

Weekend Reflections

1. Had to deliver girl scout cookies to Des Moines so we made a Friday and Saturday trip out of it. The kids had Friday off so we went to Chuckie Cheese and stayed at a hotel so the kids could swim. Hoping to build fun memories with the kids.

2. It was Spring Break during the Sunday School hour at Hope University. The kids had their beach party and the adults had a good time as well. Thanks to John Bushong for all the hard work decorating the sanctuary and putting on a great program. Looking forward to the new semester of classes this Spring.

3. Sunday was another incredible day. We continued in our 20/20 Vision series with Nehemiah. Yesterday we spoke about how to face the opposition. If you have a burden from God, expect opposition and even critics. This is the hard part of the vision. No one likes opposition and no one likes to be criticized. I know that early on in ministry I had a huge issue with this. I constantly wanted to please people. When people opposed or criticized what I was doing, I would get upset. I have had to learn to not always be a people pleaser. We need to learn are we going to please people or please God? Nehemiah wasn't concerned about the opposition or the criticism. Nehemiah did three things that I think we can learn today;

A. Intensify your prayers- Nehemiah was a man of prayer. He was God-focused not critic-focused.

B. Be on your guard- Nehemiah got his men ready for battle with swords, bows, shields and armor. We need to be on our guard against the enemies attacks. Remember, our enemy is never people but rather Satan.

C. Surround yourself with fellow warriors- The Jews that were rebuilding the walls had to depend on each other. While one was protecting the walls, the other was rebuilding. As a church, we need each other. We need to uplift each other in prayer and when the other is weak we need to strengthen each other.

4. Started our 21 Day fast Sunday. Our whole family is doing the Daniel Fast. I am praying that God will truly lead us in the days ahead as want to see many people come to know Christ this Easter and as we also move ahead with the building project.