Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

Easter is usually one of the biggest weeks in ministry. This week seems to be especially crazy. Here are some of the things we have going:

1. Mailing out 2500 postcards to Montezuma, Barnes City, Malcom and Deep River.
2. Finishing up the filling of 14,000 eggs and getting all the prizes together.
3. Special outreach to the Fire Department for Easter. Each fireman will get a Fireproof movie along with some candy, popcorn and thank you from the church.
4. Maundy Thursday I am preaching at the Methodist church. Really pumped about the message.
5. Easter Sunday!!!! Starting our new series called 'Fearless'. We will be talking about the fear of belief. What are we supposed to do with an empty tomb?

Please be in prayer for the weeks events. Ready, Set, Go!