Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend Reflections

1. Went to the Montezuma School play on Friday night. We had quite a few of our church kids in the play. I didn't realize we had that many talented kids. They did an awesome job and Derek did a great job leading them. My kids loved the Little Red Riding Hood played by Emily Cashman. Her mood swings were awesome!

2. Saturday went to the pig farm. Read "Today I rode a pig" and you find out how that went. I know a lot of people got few laughs out of that one. I'm just thinking of a way I can use it in a sermon illustration but without reacting the whole thing.

3. Another great Sunday as we wrapped up our series on 20/20 vision. We talked about the importance of "Finishing Strong." God has called each of us to a vision but over time something called vision drift will settle in. Things will come that will try to drift us away from the purpose that God has for us. Jesus illustrated this in a parable of the seeds and the sower. Jesus listed three great distracters.
1. Satan
2. Trials and Tribulations
3. Worry
In order to finish strong, we must not allow these vision distracters get us off course or trip us up. Remember its now how you start that matters but how you finish.

4. Sunday night was our business meeting to move forward with our building project. I am excited to say that we had a unanimous vote. God has truly blessed us with a spirit of unity in our church. I am thankful to God everyday for every person in our congregation. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the next year. I know He has big plans.