Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

We had another great Sunday at Hope. We are in week three of our series on Vision. Yesterday we talked about the importance of 'moral authority'. This was one of those messages that was a little hard hitting yet it is so important. Moral authority can also be defined as your character or your integrity. It is the alignment between what you say and what you do. Nehemiah was a man of moral authority. People listened and followed his vision because there was alignment in his life. As Christ followers we are called to walk with moral authority. If we ever want to influence people for the Gospel then our walk needs to match our talk. When there is misalignment between these two, people will not want to follow us. Christ said that we need to be salt and light. In other words, people will be attracted to what we have. Today in the church there is just too much dead religion. People don't want dead religion, they want to see people with a living relationship with the living God. This is what will make a difference in the world.