Monday, September 15, 2008

Heath and a cold night

We had great services yesterday as we were blessed to have Heath Adamson back with us for both services. If you were at the second service and missed the first, Heath preached a different message and you can check it out on the podcast. I am so amazed how God is using Heath to reach the public schools and using him in the area of signs and wonders in the church. Heath and I went to the same high school, was in the same youth group and even served together on staff at Berean Assembly of God in Des Moines. Heath has always had a passion for God and has been used by Him in incredible ways.

Last night we also had our annual picnic. It felt more like late October then September. It was cold and rainy but we still had a good turn out. We had some great food and wonderful fellowship. I also learned that I need to get in shape as I played basketball with some of the college guys and teens. Needless to say, I was out of breath.

Yesterday was a great day of being in the presence of God and hanging out as a body!