Thursday, September 25, 2008

Proud Hubby

I am a proud husband this week! My wife Jennifer finished her book, "In the Rain." It has been a long journey and a dream of Jen to be a writer. I know there is a still a long road ahead but the fact that she finished the book is totally awesome. I am proud that she is chasing her dream and finding her gifts that God has given her. One of my pet peeves is the expectations of the pastors wife. Some people believe the pastors wife needs to lead the choir, lead the women's ministry, play the piano, etc. Let's just be honest, not everyone has those gifts. It is a huge burden to carry if that is not your gift. My wife is not the type that is real comfortable getting in front of people and speaking. It is not her gift. She would rather be behind the scenes and helping in ways that many don't know about it. Her main calling is that of mother. We have three precious little ones at home and that is a great responsibility all to itself. She is also called to be my help mate. I know that there are times in ministry that I couldn't do it without her. Thirdly, she is now found her gift in writing. This is exciting because it is something God has gifted her with. It is her passion! I am excited to see how God is going to use her in this gift. Please be in prayer as we look to the second step in this road of finding an agent and publisher. Who knows where God will take us next!


Anonymous said...

Oh, that is wonderful! Good for Jen. I am so excited to read some of her stuff.

becky said...

Congratulations, that's great Jen!
Woohoo for you on being an encouraging and supportive husband! Maybe you'll get a pan of Jen's yummy brownies!

loreyfamily said...

WOW this is such a amazing thing God is doing with in Jen i will keep her in prayer big time My husband Christian also has the gift to write and sing his own songs and also he writes books we just never have been blessed to get any of his stuff published but he has talked to a few people his music is now on GOD tube to bless others so we will see where God leads that, my aunt is a pastors wife i believe they do have so much stress on them people do tend to think they should lead BIG things as you say such as the choir ETC in my eyes they should only do as God calls them to do if God dont give you the gift to do somthing then you should not you always have to do what God calls and leads you to do we can not live to please people but we are to please GOD , how ever we do have to be of good wittness to others God Bless