Monday, September 29, 2008

Amazed by God

We had great services once again yesterday and I think the worship team was right on. The special they did from Casting Crowns was amazing. It also good to see some visitors in church yesterday as well. What I was most amazed about was our baptism service last night. We baptized three people at the Jackson Church and I always love baptisms because you get to see and hear what God is doing amongst people. I also found out some pretty crazy things as well about how small our world is. Come to find out that a new family in our church, one who got baptized last night has connections with Jen's family. Jen's real dad used to work for this family's parents at one time. Here is the crazy thing- Jennifer was born in Fairfield, Iowa and this is the area that that Jen's real dad used to work as a hired hand on the farm. Now we all have ended up in Montezuma. It even gets crazier, the brother of this new family has connections with Jen's step dad and mom through a church in Adel Iowa. They knew each other though church and when they showed up last night all the connections came together. (Are you confused yet?) Small world huh? What was also cool is another man that got baptized last night was the original owner of our building. Through the testimony of one of our men in our church, he has now given his life to Christ and now is serving God. God amazes me! It is truly cool to see God at work . He is alive and changing lives!