Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Past Sunday

Labor Day is over and it is back to the office. We had a good time with our family as we went to Des Moines and grilled out with my family this weekend. I don't get the chance to hang out with my sisters that often so it was good to see them. If you missed this past Sunday due to Labor Day plans, I want to encourage you to check out the message on www.communityhope.org. This past Sunday we continued our "Move" series with a message on 'service'. I really believe in the power of the body and how much we could accomplish if we all engaged our gifts together to expand the kingdom of God. At the end of the service we handed out cards with specific ministries that we could use help in. Again I want to thank everyone who already uses their gifts to help the church. We couldn't do what we do on a weekly basis with out you!


JRandKara said...

Being able to watch the message on here is great! We haven't been to church forever it feels like, it seems like we are gone every weekend! OK i'm done with the excuses:) This is a great idea but dosen't compare to being there in church see you soon! Have a great week and god bless!

Kara Shearer