Monday, September 08, 2008


I think all the summer plans and vacations are over as we had a lot of people back this past Sunday. It was good to see the sanctuary full again! Sunday was once again a whirlwind of day, so here are my thoughts and reflections:

- Wrapped up the 'Move' series yesterday. I changed my message the last minute as I felt God wanted us to talk about the topic of faith. We took a look at the life of Abraham and how God took him to the very point of uncomfortable faith. The story of Abraham is amazing as you see how Abraham was moved from one faith to the next. Through and through Abraham learned to depend on God even when it was uncomfortable. My challenge to us all is, "What are we doing right now in our life that requires faith?" Good question for all of us to ask.

- Had nursing homes yesterday and it is always a joy to minister there. I had the people pick out the songs and I am embarrassed to say I didn't know half the hymns they chose. ( I just faked the words.) I need to brush up on my hymns!!!!

- Went to Diamond Life and grilled out hot dogs for the residents there. It was fun time to build relationships with the people at Diamond Life. They are truly special people.

- Went home after Diamond Life and watched my Browns get destroyed! The offense didn't look so bad but these guys are going to have to get some defense by next week. The Cowboys had their way on the offensive end.


Pastor Potter said...

I tried to warn you about the Cowboys.

Pastor Potter said...


How did the 7 project go? Do you have an email? I wanted to send you an email about something?

Todd Jones said...

Hey Josh, I do have an email, it is The 7 was awesome. Just posted today on the event.