Monday, September 22, 2008

Umbrella of Authority

Started our series yesterday on "Busting Mindset Myths." We talked about a difficult subject yesterday as we busted the myth of authority. Many people have given in to the myth that we don't need to listen or be under any authority. This is such a deception in our culture today and as we found out it is also a lie of Satan. God is the one who established authority and as Romans 13 states if we go against authority we are going against God Himself. The only time we are given permission to go against authority is if the person in authority is asking you to go against God's Word. Other than that we are told to be under authority. We also looked at the story of David and Saul and how David had two chances to take Saul's life but chose not to because Saul was the king that God had chosen as the authority. I truly believe that authority is like an umbrella. If we are under God's umbrella of authority, God's blessing and protection will follow. I have seen it time and time again that when people go outside the umbrella it always cost them something in the end. Let me recap the three ways we can get under the umbrella:

1. Pray for those in authority- We need to be praying for those in leadership.
2. Honor those in authority- Romans 13 tells us to give respect and honor to those in authority.
3. Submit to those in authority- This takes humility on our part but it is always God's way.

Let's not give into the myth that we don't need authority. Look to God's Word and know that authority is for our good and has been given by God.